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Full Moon in Sagittarius June 2020 Meditation, Ritual and Journaling Practice

This full moon in sagittarius is occurring today with a lunar eclipse. This is asking us to look at what within us perhaps has been ignored that needs to come to the light.

I channeled this visualization for you (set to my new unreleased song, "Sounds of Transformation") to help you make the most out of this time.

Here's the meditation:

If you're looking for a full moon meditation and full moon journaling practice for the sagittarius full moon in june 2020, you've come to the right place but be warned, it could be a doozy! This full moon in sagittarius, coupled with a lunar eclipse is really asking us to look deep at parts of us we perhaps have not explored. This is why this full moon is a great time for those of us aiming to really step up in doing anti-racist work to explore where within us racism may live, as the world around us is a reflection of the world within us. I'm no expert (far from it) just a human trying to evolve, as I bet you are too, and I think if you're unpacking your own white privilege and fragility, some of that may come up in this full moon meditation and full moon in sagittarius journaling practice.

***NOTE: Regardless of what you're working through this meditation will bring up something buried deep within you! Good or "bad". Either way, it's for your own highest most loving good. Do this meditation only if you're comfortable with this.***

Step 1: Get in a comfortable place (ideally where your feet are planted firmly in the Earth)

Step 2: Set an intention that this serve you for your highest most loving good

Step 3: Listen to the meditation (starts at approx 5:03)

Step 4: Journal. Get the free journaling practice here (no opt-in required)

Learn more about the lunar eclipse and full moon in sagittarius:

Learn more about astrology in general:

If you're ready to break systems of oppression that are built in our society, it looks like the stars are on our side. Read more about that here:

Get the book Me and White Supremacy by Layla Saad here:

You can also join Color of Change here:

And Contact your elected officials (US) here and express how this issue is important to you:

Here's the message I wrote. You can copy/paste/edit:

My name is ________ and I am constituent from __________ I am contacting you because I want to know what you will do to protect black lives in our state and prevent further instances of police brutality. I am calling to urge you to condemn police brutality, racial profiling, and the use of excessive force by police. I couldn't find information on this but I would love to know where our state stands on these 8 policies that prove to reduce police violence by 72% (which I'm sure the kind and caring police officers I know want too!). 1. Ban choking & strangleholds2. Require de-escalation3. Require warning before shooting4. Require exhausting all possible other alternative *before* shooting5. Duty to intervene6. Ban shooting at moving vehicles7. Require use of force continuum8. Require comprehensive reportingI think this can benefit everyone, including law enforcement officers. I'd love love to know what kind of self-care and racial bias trainings and programs are offered to officers. If officers aren't urged to practice self-care (perhaps given free meditation programs - something I'd be happy to help with) - and taught about racial justice, it's a lot harder for them to be the best they can be. I want to know how we're addressing this on a holistic level so that black lives not only know they matter, but feel as though they can live as safely and free as those with white privilege - and that officers feel equipped and supported to be of the highest most loving service. Thank you for taking the time to respond to me about this. I look forward to seeing how our state can take leadership in this issue.In kindness and appreciation,___________


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