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Are you tired of constantly feeling stressed about time? Well guess what? You DO NOT have to feel this way! Timing can work out PERFECTLY for you. When you harness the mindset of a Time God or Time Goddess, you feel this way effortlessly and happily. With 12 lessons, each under 10 minutes on average, you will have everything you need to be a Time God or Time Goddess. In just 10 minutes a day, you can be a Time God or Goddess in less than two weeks! Get ready for your life to never be the same because once you let go of fears related to time (fears of being late, fears of meeting deadlines, etc. etc.) life just gets so much easier!


Time God & Goddess Revolution Course

  • By purchasing this course, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of this site and all content offered on this site, including this course. You also understand that only one person may use this course per purchase.

  • If you put in the work and still do not feel like a Time God or Goddess within 45 days, I will happily refund your investment. Based on input from students and my own experience I cannot imagine this happening (which is so awesome, right?) but if it does, send me a message and we'll sort it out! I love you either way!

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